
DB Chem & DongBang Chemical


Company R&D

R&D Activities based on “Customer’s needs” and “International Standards”

We help Your Plastics & Fibers Win new “Market Opportunities”
With respect to your intense market competition, we understand you have unique concerns regarding your cost and quality managements along with your customers’ complicated market demands. The Masterbatch elaborately formulated by our 45 years technical know-how in the physical chemistry of polymers, varied minerals and metals helps you surely create new market opportunities in varied plastic and fiber industries.
We produce Excellent Masterbatch To strengthen “Your Brand Value”
As the oldest and largest advanced Masterbatch maker with the R&D based on a technology commercialization in South Korea, we develop and produce the Masterbatches certified by the “International Quality and Safety Standards” like UL, FDA and European REACH Certification, EU (No.) 10/2011, etc. Those stable and excellent Masterbatches are currently sold successfully for the Worldwide respectable customers located in Germany, Japan and Asia, Africa, North America while strengthening our Customers’ Brand Values.